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Red Kaloi Camp

Packages starting at $3,990
Upcoming Trips:
New Waters: Jan, 2026 & custom dates

An expedition to the world's second oldest rain forest awaits. Travel back in time to a lush environment that is 140 million years old. 


The Giant Gourami, also known as the Red Kaloi, and Hampala Barb are the chief targets for this expedition and the incredible scenery only adds to the adventure of a lifetime. Our good friend Fajar describes the massive jungle as “beautiful and scary at the same time.”


In February, 2023 I met up with Fajar and a good friend to give Red Kaloi a shot. What unfurled exceeded my wildest dreams. 


We enjoyed great success with this and our 2 other trips in East Kalimantan. However, rumors of larger fish (and an all-tackle world record) in the West have fully piqued our interested. Future trips will take place in the same jungle ecosystem but in  new waters in West Kalimantan. 


For a day by day overview of this initial trip, read more here​


Read more about Red Kaloi and a few tips for tangling with them here.​​


Select images courtesy of Fajar Setyawan





Precision dry fly casting and absurd fights 

Anglers will be paired up in fishing boats and will decide how to divide up fishing time, whether taking turns or fishing opposite sides. Large hoppers (2/0)  are the best tactic.


Physical fitness is critical as anglers will need to be able to balance and stand in narrow but long wooden canoes (with motors) in order to fish. It is an all out battle once the fish is hooked, so again balance is crucial. 


Imagine heavily forested blue-line trout fly fishing combined with a large mouth bass with a hint of tarpon docklight fishing and you are somewhat close to the experience of fly fishing for Red Kaloi in Borneo. 


Tight quarters precision casting, plopping the fly down with force and then drag free drifts are critical. Then its time for a dog fight with structure everywhere. 

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Packages starting at $3,990

“If you expect a fancy established resort/lodge type of fishery this is definitely not it, this is still a raw adventure, the lodging will be in jungle camp. We will bring plenty of food for the expeditions and the Dayak crew will still be doing real hunting and gathering because that's what they do on a daily basis: they live off the land. They are superb outdoorsmen and it's a privilege to see them in their natural elements.” - Fajar​


Pack a good paperback or two in case a rainstorm rolls through and the river rises. 


 Tackle & Technique 

Tackle & Technique

Slow action 8wts & 9wts are the needed tools

Strong tackle is a must. Lost fish, snapped tippet and broken rods are common.


I made the mistake of fishing a stiff, fact action 9wt the first day of my first trio\p. Big mistake. The casting is all about precision in close. I ended up switching to my favorite 8wt bonefish rod, the Hardy Zane Pro, and the angling experience immediately improved. You need full control of the fly with just 15'-20' of line outside the rod tip. Slower action rods are the way. 


60lb Flourocarbon straight leaders with 2/0-6/0 hooks. Its seems overkill until you are fighting a bull Kaloi - you will wish you had a 12wt and 100lb!!


Scientific Anglers Jungle Titan floating line is our favorite fly line for Red Kaloi. 


The reel doesn't matter - you can not let a Red Kaloi take any line!!




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